Big changes needed to get quality freshwater
The Regional Forum, a group of 16 community members, is tasked with advising Environment Southland’s council and Te Ao Marama board on how to achieve the community’s values and objectives for freshwater. Since forming in April 2019, they have been learning from and listening to those who use the water or have a particular interest such as businesses, recreationalists, councils and farmers.
They’re now putting together their recommendations for making real and lasting changes to improve Southland’s freshwater.
“All solutions are on the table,” Fiona says. “We’re hearing ideas on how to tackle this challenge and we’re considering everything including incentive-based actions, greywater options, allowing river/stream bed movement, and stock exclusion beyond current requirements.”
Fiona says the forum is well aware of the journey ahead. “We are conscious that the range of methods and actions we put together in our recommendations needs to be relevant and suitable for Southland’s entire community.
“We’ll be looking for input over the next few months and will let you know where and how you can share your thoughts and ideas. The Regional Forum is happy to talk to groups about our work, and to listen.
“We are focused on outcomes over a generation that will result in significant improvement of all water bodies in Southland,” she says. “We have to go beyond just good ecosystem health and consider the whole river catchment, ki uta ki tai – from the mountains to the sea. Delivering on Te Mana o Te Wai, the integrated and holistic wellbeing of a freshwater body, is at the core of our thinking.”
More information
- Contact the Regional Forum at
- Read more about the Regional Forum at
- Post your ideas on the Regional Forum’s Facebook page -
You can read the full Envirosouth magazine as a PDF online here.