You can find agendas and meeting minutes on this page as they become available. Agendas are available at least two working days before a meeting. Minutes are loaded once they are confirmed at the next meeting of the Council or Committee.
- The Council and its principal standing committees generally meet six weekly, or quarterly.
- All meeting dates and times are advertised in the Southland Express and The Gore Ensign newspapers.
- Most meetings are held in the Council Chamber of our building located at the corner of North Road and Price Street in Invercargill. Live streamed meetings can be viewed here, or on our YouTube page.
- View the complete 2025 meeting calendar here.
- Read our standing orders, which are a set of rules that provide formal guides about the way that a Council conducts its meetings.
- If you'd like to speak at a Council or Committee meeting, find out how in this handy factsheet.
- If you're speaking to a submission you've made to a council consultation, check out this handy factsheet.
Strategy & Policy Committee
Strategy and policy committeeMeeting to be held at Environment Southland's Council Chamber, Regional House, 220 North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill
Risk and Assurance Committee
Risk and assurance committeeRegular meeting of the Environment Southland Meeting Risk & Assurance Committee to be held in the Council Chambers, Environment Southland, 220 North Road, Invercargill.
Ordinary Meeting of Council
Full council meetingThe December meeting of the Southland Regional Council will be held in the Council Chamber, 220 North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill.
Ordinary meeting of Council
Full council meetingMeeting to be held in the Council Chamber, Regional House, Environment Southland, 220 North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill
Hearing – Fiordland Charters Limited resource consent application
Regulatory committeeHearing – Fiordland Charters Limited resource consent application (APP-20242146)