Further Public Notice of Elections 2022 for Environment Southland
Nominations have closed for the 2022 triennial local authority elections. Listed below are details of the confirmed candidates for Environment Southland.
Where elections are required, they will be conducted by postal voting using the First Past the Post (FPP) electoral system. Voting will open on Friday, 16 September 2022 and will close at 12.00 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022.
Fiordland Constituency (1 vacancy)
BAIRD, Allan
Eastern-Dome Constituency (2 vacancies)
GIBSON, Alastair
Hokonui Constituency (1 vacancy)
MACPHERSON, Russell Gordon
Southern Constituency (1 vacancy)
MCCALLUM, Lloyd James
Invercargill-Rakiura Constituency (6 vacancies)
COOK, Neville
GUYTON, Robert
LUDLOW, Lyndal
MCGRATH, Gemma (Independent)
PAGAN, Bruce
RODWAY, Maurice
ROY, Eric
The following nomination was also received where the number of nominations did not exceed the available vacancies.
Western Constituency (1 vacancy)
HORRELL, Nicol George
As the number of nominations received did not exceed the number of vacancies, Nicol George HORRELL is elected unopposed.
Enrolment and Special Voting Arrangements
Residents within the areas of these elections who are not listed on their local city or district council final electoral rolls can enrol by calling 0800 36 76 56, visiting the Electoral Commission website: www.vote.nz, by texting your name and address to 3676 to get a form sent to you or by email request to enquiries@elections.govt.nz up to 4.00 pm on Friday, 7 October 2022.
Ratepayers within the areas of these elections who are not listed on their local city or district council final electoral rolls can obtain enrolment forms at city or district council offices they pay rates to up to 4.00 pm on Friday, 7 October 2022. Online applications for ratepayer elector registration can also be made online: www.electionz.com/ratepayer.
Special voting facilities for the above elections will be available from some offices, including the Vote Murihiku Hub, at Invercargill Central, Esk Street, Invercargill, (situated between Amazon and the Farmers entrance) during normal office hours between Friday, 16 September and Friday, 7 October 2022 and from 9.00 am to 12.00 noon on Saturday, 8 October 2022. Please check with your local city or district council for special voting arrangements in your area.
Anthony Morton
Electoral Officer – Environment Southland
PO Box 3138 Christchurch 8140
0800 666 048