Our annual plan sets out what we aim to achieve in the next financial year, through our work programmes and associated budgets. Annual plans are effectively an update on the forecasted work and financial information in the Long-term Plan. The Long-term Plan is a ten-year plan, reviewed every three years and it outlines priorities, levels of service and budgets.
There are no significant changes to the work programme from the Long-term Plan. However, just as rising prices are impacting all parts of the community, they are also affecting the Council’s work-related costs.
On 3 May 2023, Councillors resolved to set rates for the 2023-24 financial year. This equated to an approximate 6.9% increase when taken as an average across the region, or about $23 per week – although this will vary per property based on its value and services received.
With the rates now set, the Annual Plan 2023/24 is being developed, taking into account a large number of challenges in this current environment.
Click here for frequently asked questions about the Annual Plan
How does the Annual Plan differ from the Long-term Plan 2021-2031?
The 2023/24 Annual Plan will be focused on continuing the workplan and delivering the services we committed to in the 2021-31 Long-term Plan. Our top priorities remain; building our resilience to the impacts of climate change, working to protect and restore our freshwater and persevering with our coastal and marine work.
This Annual Plan is Year 3 of the 2021-2031 Long-term Plan.
Rising costs
Like all organisations, we face increased operating costs and higher-than-expected inflation and interest rates. Work programmes have also expanded as a result of legislative changes.
Our staffing costs have risen due to pressures on the labour market and the need to ensure critical resources are in place to undertake the work programmes outlined in the Long-term Plan.
However, a positive contribution to this year’s budget has
been the unexpected return of the cruise ship and marine fees. This unbudgeted
income will help support our coastal science work, Fiordland
Undaria control programme and other
coastal activities.
How to provide feedback
The feedback on the Proposed Fees and Charges schedule, run from 4 May 2023 to 4 June 2023, was extended another week to encourage more submissions to be made. It was closed on 11 June 2023.
Feedback on both the Proposed Fees and Charges Schedule and the Annual Plan can be accessed by visiting our consultations web page.