Transitional Regional Plan
The Transitional Plan came into effect on 1 October 1991. It contains authorisations made under legislation that preceded the RMA. Most of the transitional plan has been superseded by the new regional plan rules and the Southland Flood Control Management Bylaw 2010. There is only one rule that remains operative in the Transitional Regional Plan Rule 4.4.2.S1 Fires in the Fire Area.
Download the Transitional Regional Plan.
Note: We're currently in the process of combining provisions from the Transitional Regional Plan, Regional Effluent Land Application Plan and Regional Water Plan into one document. The proposed Southland Water and Land Plan introduces new methods to manage activities that we know adversely affect the quality of Southland's freshwater. Relevant objectives, policies and rules of the proposed Plan, as well as those in the existing plans, must be considered in all resource consent applications lodged with Environment Southland.