Public Notice - RMA Application
Environment Southland has received an application from Meridian Energy Ltd for resource consents.
The application (reference APP-20233670) is for the following activities related to the construction of a new channel:
- a water permit under section 14 of the RMA to:
- a discharge permit under section 15 of the RMA to:
- permits as required under regulation 47 of the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NES‑F), for activities under sections 14 and 15 of the RMA, including those associated with including for:
- -vegetation clearance, earthworks and land disturbance, and the take, use, diversion and discharge of water, in and/or near a natural inland wetland.
- -temporarily take, divert and use water to facilitate construction and maintenance activities; and
- -permanently divert surface water into the parallel channel.
- -temporarily discharge water and suspended sediment to land and water (the Waiau Arm, Mararoa River and Lower Waiau River)
Location: at and around the Manapōuri Lake Control Structure, including the Waiau Arm at the confluence of the Waiau Arm and Mararoa River at or about NZTM2000 1186068E 4935096N.
This is a short summary of the public notice. Full details of this application and how to submit are available at
Submissions must be received by Environment Southland no later than 5.00 pm on 17 April 2024.
W Falconer
Chief Executive
[18 March 2024]