Island Escape Cruises Limited
Environment Southland has received an application from Island Escape Cruises Limited (APP-20169132) for a Coastal Permit to undertake commercial surface water activities in the coastal marine area (CMA) adjacent to Fiordland National Park, for: one vessel up to 49 metres in length, with up to 34 passengers and 12 crew, for backcountry trips; two tender vessels up to 8 metres in length for safety purposes; and kayaking activities with up to 3 kayaks. The proposal is a discretionary activity under Rule 16.2.1(7) of the Regional Coastal Plan for Southland.
Purpose - Commercial Surface Water Activity
Location - within the coastal marine area adjacent to Fiordland National Park, from Febrero Point (NZTM 2000 1116997E 4967872N) to Puysegur Point (NZTM 2000 1106462E 4868632N).
Legal Description of Property - Marine and Coastal Area
Address for Service - Chisholm Associates, c/- Bill Chisholm, 67 Selwyn Street, Leeston 7632.
Related Documents
- Application - Island Escape Cruises Limited
- Island Escape Cruises Limited - Further Information
- Island Escape Cruises Limited - Further Responses to Queries
- Island Escape Cruises - Appendices
- Letter - Cruickshank Pryde
- Evidence - Henderson
- Evidence - Chisholm
- Evidence - Bisset
- Acoustic Measurement Report
- Deep Cove Charters Submitters Evidence
- Island Escape Cruises - Staff Report
- Decision - Island Escape Cruises Ltd