Schrader Mains Limited
Schrader Mains Limited is applying for discharge permit, water permit and land use consents relating to the establishment of a new dairy farm in the Waituna catchment.
The applicant proposed to:
- convert a 110 hectare dairy grazing (young stock and wintering) operation to dairying;
- discharge dairy shed and feed pad/stand off pad effluent to land via a low rate Larrel Smart Hydrant System;
- take and use 36.2 cubic metres per day of groundwater from a new bore. This water is to be used for dairy shed washdown and stock drinking water for 306 cows;
- construct a synthetically lined effluent pond;
- construct a bore.
Related documents
- Hearing Appendices - Schrader Mains - Pt 1 (PDF, 3.8MB)
- Hearing Appendices - Schrader Mains - Pt 2 (PDF, 4.8MB)
- Hearing Appendices - Schrader Mains - Pt 3 (PDF, 3.5MB)
- Hearing Appendices - Schrader Mains - Pt 4 (PDF, 2.7MB)
- Hearing Appendices - Schrader Mains - Pt 5 (PDF, 3.5MB)
- Hearing Report (PDF, 649.4KB)
- Hearing Decision (PDF, 459.2KB)