Toxic algae warning for the Waiau River, Waihopai River and the Hamilton Burn. Click here for more information.
Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by Environment Southland.
The application (reference APP-20232970) is for an existing discharge of treated wastewater from the Edendale-Wyndham wastewater treatment plant into the Mataura River at the Edendale-Wyndham Road bridge. Southland District Council is seeking a 5-year consent to continue the activity in the interim period while investigations, consenting and constructions is undertaken to upgrade the existing Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Discharge Permit to discharge treated wastewater into the Mataura River
Purpose: The discharge of treated wastewater from the Edendale-Wyndham wastewater treatment plant.
Location: The Mataura River at the Edendale Wyndham Road Bridge at about NZTM2000 1278920E 4861696N
Legal Description of Property: Hydro
Address for Service: Jan Steenkamp, 138 Victoria Street (Level 3), Christchurch 8013.
Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Environment Southland, corner of Price Street and North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill during working hours (8.00 am to 5.00 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Ryan Hodgson by phone to (03) 211 5115 or by email to
Submissions on the above application must be received by Environment Southland no later than 5 pm 30 August 2023. A submission form is available below and you may also download a printable submission form and forward the completed form by email to or
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
Submissions must be dated and signed (unless submitted electronically) and must include the following information: