Meridian Energy Limited (APP-20233670)
Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A of the Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by Environment Southland.
A hearing was held at 9:00am on 17 and 18 September 2024 at Environment Southland, Cnr North Rd & Price St, Invercargill.
The application (reference APP-20233670) is related to the construction of a new channel to enable a permanent diversion of part of the flow of the Waiau Arm and the associated removal of bed material and gravels, together with any maintenance and ancillary activities. The project is intended to improve flow conveyance and reliability through the Manapōuri Lake Control structure, and so result in better outcomes for river health in the Lower Waiau River.
The application (reference APP-20233670) is for the following activities related to the construction of a new channel:
- A water permit under section 14 of the RMA to:
- Temporarily take, divert and use water to facilitate construction and maintenance activities, including within and in proximity to wetlands and for dewatering, dust suppression, and erosion and sediment control activities; and
- Permanently divert surface water into the parallel channel.
- A discharge permit under section 15 of the RMA to:
- Temporarily discharge water and suspended sediment to land and water (the Waiau Arm, Mararoa River and Lower Waiau River) for the purposes of facilitating construction and maintenance activities, including within and in proximity to wetlands and for dewatering, dust suppression, and erosion and sediment control activities.
- Permits as required under regulation 47 of the National Environmental Standards for Freshwater (NES-F) for activities under sections 14 and 15 of the RMA, including those associated with:
- Vegetation clearance, earthworks and land disturbance, and the take, use, diversion and discharge of water, in and/or near a natural inland wetland.
The proposal also includes activities which would normally be subject to sections 9 and 13 of the RMA, and which here are authorised by the Manapōuri Te Anau Development Act 1963. This is a special Act of Parliament and enables the construction and ongoing operation of the Manapōuri Power Scheme. Although such activities are outside the scope of this resource consent process, a description of the associated effects and proposed mitigations is included in the application.
Purpose: The existing active channel of the Waiau Arm immediately upstream of the Manapōuri Lake Control Structure is accumulating gravels and bed material, is becoming shallower, and is constrained physically. This is impacting the applicant’s ability to reliably release flows through the structure into the Lower Waiau River at lower lake levels of Lake Manapōuri. The proposal involves the construction of a new channel which is parallel to, and outside the permanently active bed of, the current main channel in the Waiau Arm, maintenance and ancillary activities. The excavated gravel and bed material would be deposited on Meridian-owned land to the north of the new channel, near wetlands.
Location: at and around the Manapōuri Lake Control Structure, including the Waiau Arm at the confluence of the Waiau Arm and Mararoa River at or about NZTM2000 1186068E 4935096N.
Legal Description of Property: Section 1 Survey Office Plan 12223.
Address for Service: Kate Berkett, Meridian Energy Limited, PO Box 4146, Christchurch 8140,
Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Environment Southland, corner of Price Street and North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill during working hours (8.00 am to 5.00 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Bianca Sullivan by phone to (03) 211 5115 or by email to or
Submissions on the above application must be received by Environment Southland no later than 5 pm 17 April 2024. A submission form is available below and you may also download a printable submission form and forward the completed form by email to or
Any person may make a submission on the application, but a person who is a trade competitor of the applicant may do so only if that person is directly affected by an effect of the activity to which the application relates that:
(a) adversely affects the environment; and
(b) does not relate to trade competition or the effects of trade competition.
Submissions must be dated and signed (unless submitted electronically) and must include the following information:
- your name, postal address and telephone number (and fax number if applicable);
- details of the application in respect of which you are making the submission;
- whether it is in support of, or in opposition to the application, or is neutral;
- your submissions, with reasons;
- the decision that you wish Council to make; and
- whether you wish to be heard in support of your submission
and you must also serve a copy of your submission on the applicant as soon as reasonably practicable.
Application Documents and Further Information
- AEE - Manapouri Lake Control Improvement Project - Final (PDF, 4.8MB)
- Appendix A - Application form MLCIP Final (PDF, 239.5KB)
- Appendix B Record of Title MLC (PDF, 230.3KB)
- Appendix C - Construction Methodology Final (PDF, 25.3MB)
- Appendix D Freshwater Assessment Final (PDF, 2.7MB)
- Appendix E Phytoplankton Risk Assessment Final (PDF, 1.9MB)
- Appendix F Terrestrial Vegetation Wetland Assessment & Freshwater Advice Final (PDF, 7.5MB)
- Appendix G Groundwater Assessment Final (PDF, 1.5MB)
- Appendix H - Landscape Assessment Final (PDF, 859.5KB)
- Appendix H Landscape Visual Simulations Final.pdf (PDF, 7.4MB)
- Appendix I - Construction Noise Assessment Final (PDF, 2.3MB)
- Appendix J - Objectives and Policies Assessment Final (PDF, 242.1KB)
- Response to post-lodgement queries 15 March 2024 APP-20233670 (PDF, 1.2MB)
s95-s95G Notification Document
- Submission - Agnew, R & I - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 254.6KB)
- Submission - Bluecliffs Beach Landowners Group - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 100.5KB)
- Submission - DOC on behalf of the Director-General of Conservation APP-20233670 (PDF, 287.5KB)
- Submission - Guardians of Lakes Manapouri, Monowai and Te Anau - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 154.2KB)
- Submission - Landcorp Farming Limited - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 1MB)
- Submission - Puna, G - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 268.1KB)
- Submission - Real Journeys Limited - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 427.2KB)
- Submission - Redpath, I & J - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 256.5KB)
- Submission - Sirch, Uli - APP-20233670 (PDF, 818.3KB)
- Submission - Te Ao Marama Inc on behalf of Oraka Aparima Runaka - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 296.1KB)
- Submission - Waiau Fisheries and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Trust - APP-20203670.pdf (PDF, 146.2KB)
- Submission - Waiau Rivercare Group - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 182.4KB)
- Submission - Waiau Working Party - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 343.1KB)
- Submission - Wood, C - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 254.8KB)
Further Information
- 01 Request for further information s92(1) 13 May 2024 APP-20233670
- 02 Further Info Response 4 June 2024 APP-20233670
- 03 Appendix A - Dr Single - Coastal Processes Memorandum
- 03 Appendix B - Dr Mike Hickford - Freshwater Fish Memorandum
- 03 Appendix C - Dr Leigh Bull - Avifauna Memorandum
- 03 Birds at MLC - NIWA Memo 2021
- 2001-01-00 - MAN - Bird Monitoring Programme Waiau River - Teri McClelland Environmental Resources.pdf
- 2002-01-00 - MAN - Bird Monitoring Programme Waiau River - Teri McClelland Environmental Resources.pdf
s42a Council Hearing Report and Appendices
Pre-Circulation Applicant Evidence
- 01 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Andrew Feierabend - Meridian Energy Limited (PDF, 2.7MB)
- 02 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Daniel Murray - Planning (PDF, 1MB)
- 03 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Dougal Clunie - Construction Methodology (PDF, 7.5MB)
- 04 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Jo Hoyle - River Geomorphology (PDF, 1MB)
- 05 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Kristy Hogsden - Water quality, plant and macroinvertebrate communities (PDF, 824.7KB)
- 06 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Leigh Bull - Avifauna (PDF, 677KB)
- 07 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Mike Hickford - Freshwater ecology (PDF, 505.3KB)
- 08 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Scott Hooson - Terrestrial ecology (PDF, 3.1MB)
- 09 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Dr Martin Single - Coastal processes (PDF, 4.8MB)
- 10 Statement of Applicant Evidence - Brydon Hughes - Groundwater (PDF, 401.5KB)
Pre-Circulation Submitter Expert Evidence
- Statement of Submitter Evidence - Real Journeys Limited - Fiona Black (PDF, 277.1KB)
- Statement of Submitter Evidence - Te Rūnanga o Ōraka Aparima - Dean Whaanga and Stevie-Rae Blair (PDF, 1.6MB)
- Statement of Submitter Evidence - Uli Sirch (PDF, 53.7KB)
- Statement of Submitter Evidence - Waiau Working Party - Maurice Rodway (PDF, 2.2MB)
- Statement of Submitter Evidence - Waiau Working Party - Sue Bennett (PDF, 204.2KB)
Applicant Hearing Evidence
- 01 Legal Submissions - Meridian Energy Limited - Stephen Christensen (PDF, 1.4MB)
- 02 Summary of Applicant Evidence - Andrew Feierabend (PDF, 200KB)
- 03 Additional material relating Dr Jo Hoyle evidence (PDF, 183.9KB)
- 04 Response to submitter evidence - Dr Kristy Hogsden (PDF, 100.3KB)
- 05 Response to submitter evidence - Dr Mike Hickford (PDF, 184.7KB)
- 06 Response to submitter evidence - Scott Hooson (PDF, 194.1KB)
- 07 Response to submitter evidence - Dr Martin Single (PDF, 187.1KB)
- Revised conditions - 13 September_tracked changes.pdf (PDF, 994.7KB)
Submitter Hearing Evidence
- 01 Summary of Submitter Evidence - Real Journeys Limited - Fiona Black (PDF, 105.2KB)
- 02 Submitter Oral Submission of the Waiau Fisheries and Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Trust - Claire Jordan (PDF, 204KB)
- 03 Summary of Submitter Evidence - Waiau Working Party - Dr Sue Bennett (PDF, 419.5KB)
- 04 Summary of Submitter Evidence - Waiau Working Party - Maurice Rodway (PDF, 772.6KB)
- 05 Summary of Submitter Evidence - Te Ao Marama Inc (on behalf of Te Rūnanga o Ōraka Aparima) - Dean Whaanga and Stevie-Rae Blair (PDF, 100.2KB)
- 05A Revised conditions - 12 September_TAMI comments (PDF, 662.3KB)
- 06 Submitter Oral Submission of Christopher Wood - APP-20233670 (PDF, 47KB)
- 06A Bluecliffs Photos - Christopher Wood - APP-20233670 (PDF, 4.2MB)
- Submitter - Draft Turbidity Condition - Waiau Working Party - APP-20233670.pdf (PDF, 292.9KB)