Flooding FAQs
Where should I dispose of my flood-damaged silage or hay?
We recommended disposing of any damaged silage in a farm landfill while ensuring to intermix silage with other waste to prevent unfriendly conditions for decomposing bacteria building up. Ensure that the landfill meets our permitted activity for farm landfills outlined in the proposed Southland water and land plan. When putting silage in your landfill ensure you cover the landfill in as soon as you place it to prevent stormwater infiltration causing leachate.
My effluent pond is full and the soil moisture is at or above field capacity. How do I lower my pond?
We know it’s difficult to maintain compliance with consents after a heavy rainfall event which is why we recommend that effluent pond levels are always kept at the lowest possible level at all times. If you are facing difficulties with a full pond please assess your farm for any areas that may be drier and could be safe for low rate or pulse irrigation. This is best done by using a soil moisture probe or using your current on farm automatic soil moisture readings. If no areas of your farm are appropriate for irrigation and you are concerned that your effluent pond will overflow then the only other option is to hire a sucker truck to lower the pond level.
How should I dispose of dead stock?
The best way to dispose of dead stock is to bury in an offal pit or farm landfill as long as the landfill meets the permitted activity criteria under our proposed Southland water and land plan.
The link to read the proposed Southland water and land plan is here https://www.es.govt.nz/about-us/plans-and-strategies/regional-plans/proposed-southland-water-and-land-plan
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions and remember organisations such as the Southland Rural Support Trust can also provide additional support if needed (0800 787 254)