Assessment of contamination at Tiwai Point
NZAS’ developments on the peninsula
Listed below are a series of developments that have occurred with the objective of achieving improved environmental outcomes.
- In March 2022, ES asked NZAS to cease unauthorised discharges of contaminants to land/water relating to fluoride contamination at two areas. NZAS provided a written proposal in July 2022, and completed the remediation required in late September 2022. Contamination source material now being processed at a more secure location onsite.
- NZAS provided a summary of the network of groundwater wells that exist on the peninsula.
- NZAS drilled 45 new bores in the smelter site and 5 in the DOC land in the first quarter of 2023, to be included in their monitoring programme. ES suggested including 7 of the 45 bores to cover strategic locations.
- NZAS extended the analytical suite of tests as part of the closure study to help better understand the extent of contamination on site and better understand the hydrogeology of the site.
- NZAS relocated the Ouvea from 5 storage locations around Southland to NZAS site. The Ouvea was stored into containers and exported overseas.
- In May 2023, NZAS lodged the application for consent for the Tiwai landfill.
- In July 2023, ES visited the smelter site to verify the conditions of the drain clearing process. The activity appeared to be compliant with the rule.
- In August 2023, ES visited NZAS site to check the bath process. The Environment Southland project team identified that NZAS had implemented housekeeping practices to prevent dust dispersion over the operation areas. The team has also encouraged NZAS to implement stormwater improvements e.g. extensive drain cleaning programme.
- ES had requested NZAS to erect signage at the discharge points to alert the public of the industrial discharges. The signage was installed on the 15th of December 2023.
- NZAS is currently doing some field trials of oyster shells to work on the drain issues identified on receipt GHD and EHS Support reports.