RMA Public Notice - Waituna Lagoon
Environment Southland has received a joint resource consent application from Te Runanga o Awarua, Department of Conservation and Environment Southland.
The application (reference APP-20242456) is for the periodic opening of the Waituna Lagoon, which includes the following activities:
Water and Discharge permits for:
- the diversion and discharge of water and sediment from Waituna Lagoon to the Coastal Marine Area (CMA).
- the diversion and discharge of seawater and sediment from the CMA into the Waituna Lagoon.
Land Use and Coastal permits for:
- earthworks and disturbance of the bed of Waituna Lagoon and margins.
- disturbance of the CMA.
- incidental indigenous vegetation clearance.
Location: Waituna Lagoon - as described in Appendix D of the application.
This is a short summary of the public notice. Full details of this application and how to submit are available at www.es.govt.nz/notified-consents.
Submissions must be received by Environment Southland no later than 5.00 pm on 3 September 2024.
Wilma Falconer
Chief Executive