Top tips for summer

Check the water quality at Murihiku Southland’s most popular swimming spots before you dive in this summer.

Be on the lookout for toxic algae this summer and check before people and pets enter streams, rivers and lakes.

Being prepared, knowing the rules and being a responsible skipper are among the key factors to having a safe boating experience this summer.

To protect its rare and spectacular ecosystems, all boats operating in the Fiordland Marine Area must have a Clean Vessel Pass.

While outdoor burning is permitted in the Invercargill and Gore airsheds over summer, there are important things to consider.

If you see a suspicious looking plant or a pest animal this summer, find out more identifying information and report your sightings at the Southland Pest Hub.

Antenno is a great way to keep up to date with important community announcements from Environment Southland.

Report environmental incidents
Our team will be on deck throughout summer, if you need to report an environmental incident.