Catchment science
Catchment summaries gather a wide range of information relevant to each specific catchment, helping understand the key challenges, and opportunities for improving freshwater.
Essential Freshwater Package
Find out more about our approach to the Government's Essential Freshwater package, including links to relevant documents.
Estuaries support a diverse range of life; birds, shellfish, fish, and invertebrates, with many species using estuaries for part, or all of their life cycle.
Groundwater provides an important source of drinking water for people and livestock in Southland.
We monitor indicators of water quality in several of Southland's lakes.
Low water levels
NIWA predicts warmer temperatures and less rainfall for many areas of Southland.
Mataura River water takes
Find out about water takes from the Mataura River and the impact of a Water Conservation Order on these.
Rivers & streams
Rivers, lakes and streams are important resources in Southland and are highly valued by people for many reasons.
Southland Science Programme
We have many years of monitoring data and research information to help us answer some big questions.
Summer swimming
We are lucky enough to have some wonderful spots in Southland to swim. But we all need to be aware of the bacteria which affect water quality and can make us sick.
Te Mana o te Wai
Te Mana o te Wai is a concept that puts the well-being and health of our rivers, lakes, aquifers and estuaries at the centre of how we manage our freshwater.
Toxic algae
Toxic algae can be harmful to people and pets.
Water metering information
Proper management of water resources requires an understanding of how much water we use.
Water story info sources
Delve deeper into the information behind our water story infographics.
Many of New Zealand’s native fish and bird species live in wetland habitats and depend on them for survival.
Whitebaiting is a popular recreational activity in Southland, with many people looking forward to the whitebait season each year.