Wide range of topics at hearing today
Councillors today heard submissions on a wide variety of topics relating to the Long-term Plan proposals.
Chairman Nicol Horrell said 16 submitters took the opportunity to speak to their submissions. There was no specific theme and a wide range of topics were covered, ranging from air quality in rural towns and proposed rates increases through to the restoration of the New River Estuary, pest management and marine biosecurity.
“We were pleased to hear from the submitters today. Submitters have put considerable work into their submissions and councillors had the opportunity to ask questions and seek further clarification on the points being made.”
During the consultation, there were two key questions asked – the first in relation to proposed rates increases and the second regarding a proposed new rate for the Waituna rating district. There were submissions both for and against the rates proposals, although many submitters focused on specific areas of work rather than the consultation questions.
“Making this plan during a time of global uncertainty hasn’t been easy, but our community can be assured that a huge amount of time and effort has gone into developing it. We’ve had nearly 20 workshops as we’ve worked through our priorities and how we can fund the necessary work.
“None of the proposals have been put forward lightly and although we didn’t get a large volume of feedback from the community, those who did take the time have made some excellent points for us to consider.”
A total of 50 written submissions was received on the Long-term Plan proposals and associated documents.
Chairman Horrell said councillors will be considering all submissions and deliberations on how to proceed will take place on 29 June 2021. The final Long‑term Plan (including any changes) will then be audited and adopted by Council on 30 July 2021.
Links to the submission documents are available at https://www.haveyoursay.es.govt.nz/