Decisions made on Long-term Plan proposals
Councillors today (Tuesday 29 June) agreed to proceed with a 20% general rates increase, during their Long-term Plan deliberations.
Chairman Nicol Horrell said councillors spent some time considering the submissions on rating options and relooked at the financial strategy in light of the submissions.
The majority of councillors voted in favour of sticking with the preferred option of a 20% increase in the first year of the Long-term Plan, followed by 5% increases for the following three years.
“Although we were surprised at the lack of feedback on the proposals, we hope people understand the reasons behind this one-off reset to balance the budget and undertake the increasing amount of work we are required to do.
“We’ve worked hard over the last few months to come up with proposals that will provide certainty for our ratepayers over the next few years.”
There were 50 submissions on the proposals, with no specific theme. Submitters who wished to speak to the councillors did so last week and councillors today discussed each submission individually.
The other key topic in the consultation document was the development of a new rate for the Waituna rating district for bank stabilisation work. Councillors agreed to move forward with the preferred option of a new rate being applied on a per hectare basis.
Confirmation of funding of $106,200 per annum for the next three years for Predator Free Southland was also approved.
Councillors instructed staff to prepare the Long-term Plan document, which will be presented to Council for adoption on 30 July.
“Preparing for this plan has been a huge task, especially given the current global uncertainty. The community can be assured that every decision has been well informed and carefully considered. We have a clear sense of direction and this plan is the foundation for our work to build on.”