Response to query on Scott Farming consent
Response to enquiry from the Otago Daily Times for comment on the Scott Farming 2012 Ltd consent.
General manager, integrated catchment management, Paul Hulse advises:
In February 2021, Scott Farming 2012 Limited applied for consents to discharge wintering barn effluent to land from up to 1600 cows, to use land to construct, maintain and use an effluent storage facility and to use land for a wintering barn at 580 Manapouri Te Anau Highway, Te Anau.
The site has been used for a number of years to graze dairy and beef cattle over winter on crop or pasture. Through the resource consent process, it was assessed that the addition of a wintering barn will mitigate the potential for nutrient and sediment losses to water (as compared to the stock wintering outside) during the winter period. This also allows for careful management and discharge of the effluent material, subject to consent conditions.
Under the Resource Management Act, Environment Southland is required to assess these consent applications against various planning documents, and determine if they meet the legal threshold for public notification. In this instance, Environment Southland concluded that the effects on the environment did not meet that threshold and did not publicly notify the application. Tangata whenua were consulted and provided written approval. The required consents were granted in May 2021.
The barn and effluent disposal activities provide benefits to the environment by putting in place controls that require buffer distances and application rates to manage the potential effects on water quality.
Landscape and natural character effects of building in this location are addressed under the Southland District Council’s District Plan.
We have received a letter from Sir Alan Mark and will respond to him once we have considered his comments.