Freshwater science more accessible through new catchment summaries
Environment Southland has released a set of new catchment summaries designed to make freshwater science information more accessible to the public.
Environment Southland’s science team leader Ewen Rodway said the summaries will help community members get a feel for the bigger picture within their catchment. It should help people situate themselves and their property within the broader context relating to freshwater.
"A significant amount of science has been produced by Environment Southland over the past six years to better understand our freshwater in Murihiku Southland. This information, often found in large reports, is not easily accessible to the public. The summaries provide a base of key information in a single document, making it easier for everyone to access."
These summaries pull together a wide range of information for eleven catchments, helping readers understand the social and environmental context, key challenges, and opportunities for improving freshwater in their areas.
"People can learn about key freshwater issues, understand regional aspirations, and identify actions they can take to improve freshwater in their catchment," Ewen Rodway said.
The summaries are based on a suite of scientific research conducted in response to national legislation, of which key aspects have been undertaken in collaboration with our partners Te Ao Mārama.
"For anyone who wants to delve deeper, the broader science package that supports these summaries is available through technical reports on the Environment Southland website.”
Summaries are available for eleven reporting catchments here -