Rivers & streams
There's been a lot of talk lately about land use change and its impact on water quality in Southland. However, do we have any evidence that water quality is actually declining? The short answer is "yes". Scientific monitoring and investigations confirm that Southland has both water quality and quantity issues.
- Find out more about the outcomes (objectives) set for our freshwater and estuaries. These are the goals that have been set to ensure that we can all have the water we want in the future.
- Read the report that outlines the latest assessment on environmental health
- Check out the map that shows sites closest to you, change the different measurements and see the current state and the outcome we’re striving for.
The issues
Rivers, lakes and streams are important resources in Southland and are highly valued by people for many reasons including for food collection and drinking water, disposing of wastewater, energy for hydroelectric power, and as place's for recreation. Increasingly, the ecological and aesthetic values of rivers, lakes and streams, the diverse ecosystems and life they sustain, are being recognised as well.
The health of rivers, lakes and streams is influenced by natural factors, such as climate, soil and rock type. However, human activities also play a major role, particularly what people are putting into the water, via both direct discharges and runoff from land, affecting the quality.
In Southland there are three main issues that affect water quality:
- Sediment (e.g. mud and silt) - accumulates on the bottom of our rivers, lakes and estuaries. It is a problem because it can make the water murky, block fish gills, smother the habitat that macroinvertebrates and fish live in and promote slime algae growth. Sediment in streams can be generated from heavy rainfall on vulnerable soils, disturbance of the riverbed or bank by heavy machinery or stock or through direct discharges
- Nutrients - particularly Nitrogen (N) and Phosphorus (P), which are needed by all plants to grow. The majority of nutrients come from stock urine/dung or fertiliser. However, too much N and/or P in our waterways causes problems with excess slime algae and aquatic plant growth.
- Bacteria (e.g. E.coli) - faecal bacteria including E.coli are an indication of potentially disease-causing organisms that can make humans and animals sick.
What we are doing
Water is Environment Southland's number one priority. To respond to Southland's declining trends and to meet the requirements from central government, the council has developed the People, Water and Land programme.
People, Water and Land is an Environment Southland project to maintain and improve Southland's freshwater (including rivers, lakes, wetlands and groundwater). This project is in partnership with Ngai Tahu ki Murihiku and aims to maintain and improve Southland's water quality, ultimately helping the Southland community achieve its goals for our region's water. You can read more about this project and progress we are making here.
We also continue an extensive ongoing monitoring programme, which aims to help us better understand long-term trends in water quality, where contaminants are coming from and how we can best look after the quality of our waterways.
What you can do
- Follow the progress and stay up to date with the People, Water and Land programme by signing up to the e-newsletter.
- The 'Water Quality in Southland' factsheet provides a regional summary of water quality using both state (where it is currently at) and trends (how it has changed over time). Included is a comparison with several national bottom lines. In particular, E.coli, nitrogen, slime algae (periphyton) and macroinvertebrates (fish food) are presented to provide an overall picture of water quality in Southland.
- To read more about the particular water quality issues Southland is facing, read our science summary - Prioritising actions for Southland's water quality issues.
- Go to the Land Air Water Aotearoa (LAWA) website to look at online water quality data for Southland.
- You are now able to access an online map for water quality data in Southland. Click on a particular site and see which river/stream it is on, and the results.