Kerr Inverurie Trust
Public notice is hereby given pursuant to S.95A Resource Management Act 1991 that the following application for resource consent has been received by Environment Southland.
C Kerr for the Kerr Inverurie Trust, Parawa
Land Use Consent, Discharge Permit (discharge to land), and Discharge Permit (discharge to air)
Application APP-20171612
Land Use Consent To construct an effluent storage pond. This is a restricted discretionary activity under Rule 32(a) of the proposed Southland Land and Water Plan.
Discharge Permit To discharge composted waste containing cattle hide after processing (including chemical treatment) and untreated wood chip and shavings, sawdust, straw, hay and baleage, to land. The proposal is a non-complying activity under Rule 34(b) of the proposed Southland Water and Land Plan.
Discharge Permit To discharge contaminants including odour to air. The proposal is a discretionary activity under Rule of the Regional Air Plan.
Purpose: Composting operation
Location: 966 Athol Five Rivers Highway, Parawa.
Legal Description of Property: Pt Sec 25 & Sec 139 IX Eyre SD, Lot 2 DP 302884.
Reasons for public notification: The Council must publicly notify an application if special circumstances exist in relation to the application that warrant the application being publicly notified. This recommendation is made for the following key reasons:
- Special circumstances are described as circumstance that are 'unusual or exceptional but may be less than extraordinary or unique'. The present proposal can be considered unusual, as there are no similar activities being carried out in Southland.
- As this is a new activity, the potential effects are not known. There is potential for an adverse effect on soil health in the long term as a result of regular incorporation of the solid material into the topsoil, and long-term accumulation in soils of heavy metals contained in the waste product.
- The potential odour would be different to common agricultural odours such as manure and silage. It is likely that the effects of odour and windblown debris or dust as a result of the operation may be minor if appropriately managed. However, no management plan has been provided to Council. Council's Senior Compliance Investigator has assessed odour at the current waste storage site and considered it objectionable at a distance of 1,000 metres.
Address for Service: Civil Tech Limited, C/- Murray Gardyne, PO Box 1558, Invercargill 9840
Full details of this application are also available for inspection at Environment Southland, corner of Price Street and North Road, Waikiwi, Invercargill during working hours (8.00 am to 5.00 pm). Enquiries may be directed to Lauren Maciaszek by phone to (03) 211 5115 or by email to